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The 1975 – A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships

The 1975 released five incredible singles to signal their release of A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships which began with “Give Yourself a Try” in June 2018. The Indie Rock group dropped this beautiful bomb of an album on November 30th, 2018 as their third studio album. This was two years after their second album I Like It When You Sleep, for You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware of It. While The 1975 continues to get better in their electropop sound with each album, the albums titles are getting shorter. The next album which is expected to be released in May 2019 will be called Notes On A Conditional Form. A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships had almost universal praise from critics and fans alike. “Music for Cars” posters appeared in London and Manchester in April to promote the album. “Music for Cars” is the era of 2018- 2019 for The 1975, so it will also include the upcoming album in May 2019. The album cover even includes the nod to “Music for Cars” with a small “MFC” in the corner.

While reviewing this album, I was taken on an emotional roller-coaster. The music is so unique and over all beautiful. It is interesting that The 1975’s era is called “Music For Cars,” because I would call this album perfect for the car. The album includes some of the most calming indie for those late-night drives and contrasting songs for rocking out with your friends in the car. The song “Mine” even takes a break from the electropop and indie rock to focus on Matty Healy’s vocals with jazz influenced music. My main picks of the album are “Love It If We Made It,” “TOOTIMETOOTIMETOOTIME,” and “It’s Not Living (If It’s Not With You).” While re-listening to it for this blog, I really fell for “Be My Mistake.” To finish up this blog, I feel the need to discuss how amazing of a song “Love It If We Made It” is. It is a song you try to sing even if you don’t know the words and you just mumble through until you get to certain parts you know.  It is a song with an important message. It is the best song on the album, and it is THE song made for driving in your car.

The 1975 – A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships Track List:

  1. The 1975
  2. Give Yourself A Try
  4. How To Draw / Petrichor
  5. Love It If We Made It
  6. Be My Mistake
  7. Sincerity Is SCARY
  8. I Like America & America Likes Me
  9. The Man Who Married A Robot / Love Theme
  10. Inside Your Mind
  11. It’s Not Living (If It’s Not With You)
  12. Surrounded By Heads And Bodies
  13. Mine
  14. I Couldn’t Be More In Love
  15. I Always Wanna Die (Sometimes)

Article by Haley Isom

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