On the edge of being genuinely massive, Glass Animals has broken the indie genre like a fragile twig. Australia, Europe, the UK – countries all quickly turned into hotspots of chill and lo-fi vibes. Their sophomore album, How to Be a Human Being, arrives at a sensational time in the lives of Glass Animals. Debut record ZABA was a forest of emotion. It was suffocating, narrow-minded, private, cryptic, and frequently jaw dropping; it barely revealed anything, but the raw beauty was evident. It remains an abundantly gratifying listen nearly five years after its release. Contrastingly, How to Be a Human Being is discernably vibrant – Glass Animals bolt into the light of day, toying with formatting and melodies— never looking back. The lush and diverse lyrics, combined with all the quirky features and signature twists that makes Glass Animals sound like Glass Animals, creates a completely new and distinct voice. The confidence that they have in their own weirdness and their burning passion to discover the world around them truly boosts this energy surrounding this album.
How To Be A Human Being is impressive with just the sheer amount of immense detail. Overflowing with reflections from ZABA, this album is dripping with goopy detail and intense textures. From “Mama’s Gun,” which is closer to the band’s roots than their alluring future, to the jazzy beats of “Cane Shuga”, the insane bopping riffs in “Take A Slice”, and “Pork Soda”’s eddying mayhem all show that Glass Animals have ample supply up their sleeves to keep us guessing. But the albums finest moment comes hiding in the final seconds. After a distorted accumulation of grimy folk lore and outlandish maneuvers, Glass Animals set their ultimate hail: “Agnes”. It’s irrefutably large. It’s the touching, lighters-in-the-air outside festival finale kind of track that wrenches you to the very core. The first second it seems like the bluest thing you have ever perceived, but the next it is pure ecstasy. “Agnes” is so rich with passion that you feel dizzy and feverish, dejected and ecstatic. The only thing you can do is sing along. The last memory of this abum is pure genius, and you’re forced to return to the record every single chance you get. Each listen scrapes back another layer and you’ll feel more each time you hit that play button. How To Be A Human Being leaves you with goosebumps speckling every inch of your skin.
Glass Animals- How To Be A Human Being Track List:
- Life Itself
- Youth
- Season 2 Episode3
- Pork Soda
- Mama’s Gun
- Cane Shuga
- [Premade Sandwiches]
- The Other Side Of Paradise
- Take A Slice
- Poplar St
- Agnes
Article by Destinee Gates-Stepro