Album Review: Death of an Optimist by Grandson

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Jordan Edward Benjamin, known in the alt world as Grandson, is a Canadian-American singer. Now with three full EP’s under his belt, his music has already become a staple in the Alternative world with roughly six million streams on Spotify monthly. His music touches base with a number of social issues from mental illness to social injustice.


  1. Death Of An Optimist//Intro
  2. In Over My Head
  3. Identity
  4. Left Behind
  5. Dirty
  6. The Ballad of G and X//Interlude
  7. We Did It!!!
  8. WWIII
  9. Riptide
  10. Pain Shopping
  11. Drop Dead
  12. Welcome to Paradise//Outro

My first few encounters with this album left me with a feeling of discontent. I personally am a major fan of Grandson and was very excited for this new album to be released, but in the beginning while trying to explore the album’s sound I wasn’t very into it. It wasn’t until I revisited the album that I recognized it and all of its glory. Much like many of the other newer items released recently, it has the earlier 2000s alternative sound/roots. This album with its 12 track set is definitely worth a listen. My favorite songs include “In Over My Head” and “Riptide” for their unique balancing of an upbeat sound over a more pop punk bed. If you haven’t done so already, give Death of an Optimist a listen!

Article by Jada Hamby