Holidays Have You Stressed Out? This Music Might Help Brighten your Mood! Home Page Music Blogs by 957thespin - December 15, 2023December 20, 20230 I love holiday music and as one of the busiest season continues here are some songs to keep you in the spirit. Twenty-One Pilots came out with a Christmas original in 2020. This song was written and recorded during the pandemic. This song helped raise the cheer for the holiday during dark times in the past. The next song is Hanukkah Blessings by Barenaked Ladies. This song along with two others were released in 2005 for a different view of holidays. I find this song slower paced, but perfect for the holiday. Wrapping up the holiday season the song Christmastime by The Smashing Pumpkins. This song has slowly begun to rise in popularity again since it originally came out in
The Smashing Pumpkins Epic Return Music Blogs by 957thespin - September 29, 2022September 29, 20220 The Smashing Pumpkins will be blessing us all with one new song a week from their three-part rock opera record until Spring 2023! For the past four years, The Smashing Pumpkins have been planning their biggest record drop ever. Their forthcoming album that is set to be released in November is act 1 of 3. This record is called ATUM, pronounced like the season, autumn. ATUM serves as a sequel to the band’s infamous double records Mellon Collie and The Infinite Sadness. Each act contains 11 tracks, and they will be chronologically released 11 weeks after one another. Act 1 is out on November 15th, act 2 on January 31, 2023, and act 3 is released April 21, 2023. When